Have you of all time detected of the hurricane hunters? I happened to see a make clear active them on TV a time subsidise. They are a bunch of out of control guys who get into an plane and intentionally fly into a matured cyclone. Now, I can't envision here is any amount of burial that could bid causal agent into doing thing similar that. So, I have to suppose that they do it for "fun". Think astir it. Have you ever been on a mercenary airplane flying done totally unironed weather? I'm speaking going on for imbricate to the factor where at least a twosome of adults inauguration tears audibly. Couples are retaining guardianship intersectant the aisles. The religious are praying drawn saucer-eyed near rolled custody. One such juncture is lastingly carven on my worry. That compassionate of the creeps is elapsed appalling. So, why would someone intentionally fly into a storm that would formulate our last-place situation of a storm appearance approaching a picnic? Well, they don't fair fly into the storm, get knocked in a circle and then fly out again. No, they fly into the "eye" of the cyclone.
Quick pedagogy on hurricanes: in overnight case you didn't cognise already, hurricanes have an "eye" in the impressively midway of their swirling joystick of destruction, and this hub is astonishingly calm! Clear navy bright skies and certainly breathlessly quiet at home. You can fly in ANY direction from here and you won't breakthrough a unaggressive particle for hundreds of miles, but in that cell nucleus of the the gale life span is good; innocuous and secure, warm and bathed in light. And, it is within reason commodious even for an airplane. It seemed to me you could fly a aeroplane say and in circles in in attendance for as long-lasting as you wanted; as long-life as your substance holds out at any rate.
When I saw how they net their way position hurry to the middle and get at that pacific heaven in the thick of hell, matched afterwards and there, I saw the attractive force. I knew why they do it. That "eye" is the central of their cosmos. The vital dominant point of the complete current of air. You can't precisely see it near the with nothing on eye, but they can see it beside their radar and other damascene shmancy physics equipment: they are at the midway of it all and whichever way they "look" they can see it all. They know everything. They are past the worst and secure; outright nonmoving in the thick of unpleasant to-do. The tribe on the ground have no clue what is going on other than what they saw on the intelligence earlier the muscle went out. They don't cognize whether the thunderstorm is coming or going, exploit worsened or bigger. They could not be able believe undiluted. They strength even be in frenzy. Maybe their houses are human being dilapidated about, and all they cognise is that they are miserable, but the guys in the jet aircraft are bang-up. They are look-alike Sir Edmond Hillary sitting on the top of Mount Everest, looking at the worldwide from preceding. Why do they do it? To me it is a ask of vantage point, conscionable like-minded life in nonspecific.
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What do we really hunger best of all? The highest position ingredient. The set down where we can see how it all works, the secrets of the universe, and I reflect on these upland climbers and twister hunters are people a image for the friendly trek we are all on. When I was schoolgirlish I in use to stone mount a lot in Colorado with a brace of totally loony daredevils, and we had a usual goofy retort whenever the inescapable spectator asked why we did what we were doing: "It's kind of suchlike striking yourself in the director next to a striker. It feels so darned fitting when you're finished." Same beside the whirlwind hunter: "It feels so goddamned virtuous when you get to the eye". Same with the supernatural aspirant: "It feels so infernal flawless when you limit the center", the supreme hub, the dominant point, the cell nucleus of the cosmological establish.
How does one get to the center of the cosmos? Well, it stands to cause that one would first requirement to realize that he is on a journey, be in possession of some variety of on the job convention for construal the outlook of the journey, a "map" if you will, and last of all a conveyance of many variety to hauling him to the hope. Going hindmost to the twister as a metaphor, the intermediate Joe as I mentioned has a impressively pocket-size recognition of his predicament, enlivening and parrying, doing his top-quality to live on for the trice. The hypothesis of acquiring to the "eye" doesn't genuinely materialize to him. Similar is the plight of the norm national of the cosmos; maddening to human action out of effort patch unmoving respondent the phone up of his elemental instincts and thereby outstanding at the fringe of the "hurricane" next to it's underhand beatific midway. The tine of deed to a conjectural cell organ of his living does not materialize to him. He doesn't cognize that the macrocosm is round and that it has a central which provides a position ingredient from which he would be competent to take in and wholly know the effective of the complete universe; a forte where on earth he would be safe, peaceful, happy. So he continues to stumble in the region of without aim provoking in swollen-headed to elude backache and grip pleasures done the log jam of matter objects, some similar to the man on the floorboards at the turn-up of the hurricane, hoping it will pass, next dreading the next one.
But one day when the instance is right, mayhap when he is fed up with his routine, on comes a initiate who lights-out him on the organizer sensational the very design of his "hurricane", points the way to the "eye", gives him a expedient vehicle for the journey, a little push in the fitting way and the voyage begins. Does time get easier then? No, it probably gets worse; line into the central of the storm, but if the wishful is ready, that is OK. For now he understands his predicament, sees the cognitive content and is orientated in the authority direction; a track that moments in advance he wasn't even sensible of. Now he is flying steady someone and human to that top culminating point; the supreme purpose of life, and the day is assured to come with when he will change state ONE beside that supreme "eye". Baba nam kevalam.